Tuesday, September 24, 2013

SRP-5 background research paper outline
" Do emissioned turbo diesel engines have gastric waste that can harm the environment more effectively than non-emissioned turbo diesel engines?  


  • Turbo Diesel
  • Emissions
  • Environment
  • Gastric waste
Research question:

  • How are turbo diesel engines run with emissions?
  • How does non-emissioned turbo diesel's gastric waste harm the environment?
  • What does the gastric waste turn into after passing emissions parts on motor? 
  • How is the environment harmed by this gastric release
  • What are emissions?
  •  Do emissions help or endanger the environment
  • Are there alternative emissions parts, that are easy on motors, and less hurtful on the environment

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SRP4 citations

These citations are based on my research question " Do emissioned turbo diesel engines have gastric waste that can harm the environment more effectively than non-emissioned turbo diesel engines?

N/A, N. (n.d.). Global increases in allergic respiratory disease: the possible role of diesel exhaust particles . Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1081120610633182

N/A, N. (1995). Catalytic oxidation of diesel particulates with base metal oxides. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167299106814540 

Particle number emissions from a light-duty diesel engine with biodiesel fuels under transient-state operating conditions. (2014, january). Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261913005758

Emission reduction potential of using ethanol–biodiesel–diesel fuel blend on a heavy-duty diesel engine. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231006000148

Improvement of engine emissions with conventional diesel fuel and diesel–biodiesel blends. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960852405001756

Monday, September 9, 2013

SRP3 question #2

Research question
Do emissioned turbo diesel engines have gastric waste that can harm the environment more effectively than non-emissioned turbo diesel engines?

Purpose in this exploration?
The purpose of this exploration is to prove a point to the world that emmissioned turbo diesel vehicles are no better than non-emmisioned turbo diesel vehicles.

Is this testable?
This question is in fact testable, just not at a high school level. this more of a re-searchable exploration project.

Is this repeatable?
This exploration is repeatable, it would take a tremendous amount of research and labor to actually test two turbo diesel vehicles, one emmisioned and one non-emissioned.

Is this question specific?
This question is specific, because it i am looking for a direct answer as to which vehicle is truly better for the environment.

Is this question concise?
This question is concise, its not to bland or boring.

What articles led you to this question?
Articles from www.Sciencedirect.com led me to this question, also my own personal experiences with diesel engines led me to this question, 
SRP3 question #1

Research questions
What is a better growing substance for grass?

Purpose in exploration?
The purpose of this experiment is to test different growing substances (fertilizer) on one type of grass to see which has a better growth rate

Is this testable
This question is testable saying that, i am going to gather growing substances and test them on grass seeds in a controlled area to see which has the bigger growth rate,

Is this repeatable?
This question is repeatable, you can test it as many times as you think you need to prove a fact or theory on which growing substance gives grass the better growth rate.

Is this question specific?
This question is specific, i am trying to find one answer. which is the better growing substance for grass?

Is this question concise?
This question is concise, i am looking for one specific answer.

What articles led you to this question?
No articles led me to this question. I just thought of this because Tucson,Arizona is hot and dry. saying that this could help people all over with making a beautiful lawn.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Science current event 4

Prediction of diesel engine performance using bio fuels with artificial neural network

          Bio-fuels in diesel engines is a healthier way for the environment, but what about performance for the engine itself? Researchers themselves are conducting experiments. neural network is an artificial intelligence technique that is used to ease the difficulty of conducting experiments, this shrinks the cost, time, and labor waste. From these tests, Diesel, Bio-diesel, B20, and Bio ethanol-Diesel fuels have different percentages(5%. 10%, and 15%) mixed with Bid-diesel,developing an artificial neural network. mixtures were also made for controlled engine experimentation's.

Purpose - Save time, Labor, and Money on fuel performance testing for diesel engines.

Hypothesis - This neural network will reduce manual labor for conducting experiments

Procedures - Use neural networking systems on emissioned diesel fuels

Results - This system works thoroughly saving money, time, and extra labor not needed

Conclusion - This neural networking system is good to save money and time. It works thoroughly and makes everything simpler.

1.) What happens if this system fails?
2.) Shouldn't the researchers double check their work to be sure they are correct?
3.) How does this effect emissions?


N/A. (n.d.). prediction of diesel engine performance using biofuels with artificial neural network. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417410001673

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Science Current Event-3
Emissions on Diesel engines

          Diesel engines must be treated like gasoline engines, emissions must be met on both. Bio-diesel fuels are getting more popular because it is a renewable substance. These fuels are being tested on buses and trucks with turbo diesel engines to understand the nitric oxide (NO) smoke released from the engine. 

Purpose - stop the gastric release of nitric oxide, give diesel engines emissions

Hypothesis - These tests will work and diesels will be emissions free

Procedure - Use bio-diesel fuels in turbocharged diesel trucks and buses

Results - the bio diesel choked down the (NO) and gained combustion instability

Conclusion - Bio-diesel fuels are the better source for diesel engines


1.) Is the engine healthy after a few months of using bio-diesel fuel?
2.) What is the gastric release now since the bio-diesel is healthier?
3.) Are emissions in general healthy for the motor itself?

N/A. (n.d.). Study of turbocharged diesel engine operation. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261911002212

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


New hope for regrowing severed limbs

Despite the human advancements in the world today we cannot grow limbs back such as a lizard can grow its tail back, but, Dr. Mayumi who is a stem cell biologists and dermatologist at NYU's medical center conducted an experiment using mice stem cells, called "Wnts," that have the ability to produce chemicals to regrow bone and flesh. so Via genetic engineering to make the tissue take in the protiens, the team of scientists were able  to regrow bone and flesh!

Purpose -   Regrow limbs for human beings

Hypothesis -  Dr. Mayumi and her group of scientists will be able to regrow limbs

Procedure -  Via genetic engineering, force "Wnts" to produce proteins

Results - "Wnts" was able to produce proteins and grow limbs (bone and tissue)

Conclusion -  This will be a big deal when it comes to amputaions


1.) Did the team grow the small limbs on mice?

2.) Was this limb making process difficult?

3.) If not difficult, when will this be happening in hospitals?

N/A, N. (13, 6 2013). New hope for regrowing severed limbs, just like lizards' tail. Retrieved from http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-06/you-can-now-regrow-severed-fingertip-just-lizards-tail

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Science Current event: The Hyperloop

SpaceX/Tesla Motors owner and founder Elon Musk, has just released facts on his "Hyperloop" that can tack passengers and travel from Los angeles to San Francisco California in 30 minutes! The top speed would be near 700 miles per hour. This rail runs on a system called air bearings, different from what bullet trains run on, This system is like an air hockey board, im guessing its going to be a smooth ride.

Musk, E. (2013, 8 12). Elon musk's hyperloop. Retrieved from http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2013-08/elon-musks-hyperloop

Friday, August 9, 2013

Science Article Annotation and Summary Practice

Purpose - To extinguish a fire with sounds waves in space
Hypothesis - The sound waves will be able to extinguish the flame in free fall.
Procedure - while inside free-fall, use the sound waves on a candle igniting the the flame.
Results - The sound wave did not put out the flame in free fall but did extinguish it in the lab.
Conclusion - The hypothesis was incorrect.

Fighting fire with sound.. (2006, October 1). Retrieved from http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2006/1012-fighting_fire_with_sound.htm


Hello, my name is Haydyn Johnson, I am in 11th grade. I created this blog for my science fair project. I enjoy engineering, like as far as motors are.