Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Science Current Event-3
Emissions on Diesel engines

          Diesel engines must be treated like gasoline engines, emissions must be met on both. Bio-diesel fuels are getting more popular because it is a renewable substance. These fuels are being tested on buses and trucks with turbo diesel engines to understand the nitric oxide (NO) smoke released from the engine. 

Purpose - stop the gastric release of nitric oxide, give diesel engines emissions

Hypothesis - These tests will work and diesels will be emissions free

Procedure - Use bio-diesel fuels in turbocharged diesel trucks and buses

Results - the bio diesel choked down the (NO) and gained combustion instability

Conclusion - Bio-diesel fuels are the better source for diesel engines


1.) Is the engine healthy after a few months of using bio-diesel fuel?
2.) What is the gastric release now since the bio-diesel is healthier?
3.) Are emissions in general healthy for the motor itself?

N/A. (n.d.). Study of turbocharged diesel engine operation. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261911002212

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