Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Science current event 4

Prediction of diesel engine performance using bio fuels with artificial neural network

          Bio-fuels in diesel engines is a healthier way for the environment, but what about performance for the engine itself? Researchers themselves are conducting experiments. neural network is an artificial intelligence technique that is used to ease the difficulty of conducting experiments, this shrinks the cost, time, and labor waste. From these tests, Diesel, Bio-diesel, B20, and Bio ethanol-Diesel fuels have different percentages(5%. 10%, and 15%) mixed with Bid-diesel,developing an artificial neural network. mixtures were also made for controlled engine experimentation's.

Purpose - Save time, Labor, and Money on fuel performance testing for diesel engines.

Hypothesis - This neural network will reduce manual labor for conducting experiments

Procedures - Use neural networking systems on emissioned diesel fuels

Results - This system works thoroughly saving money, time, and extra labor not needed

Conclusion - This neural networking system is good to save money and time. It works thoroughly and makes everything simpler.

1.) What happens if this system fails?
2.) Shouldn't the researchers double check their work to be sure they are correct?
3.) How does this effect emissions?


N/A. (n.d.). prediction of diesel engine performance using biofuels with artificial neural network. Retrieved from

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